Thursday, January 29, 2009

In which God's in His heaven and all's right with the world

Hello if anyone is still out there. Here is an update:
  • I have over 80 lbs of physical recovery
  • I am working with a quote-unquote strict sponsor and my program is more structured than it has ever been. At some point I just got tired of chronic slips and relapses and got someone to kick my ass
  • I have over 100 days of back-to-back abstinence; I just got my 90 day chip
  • I am starting my 4th step inventory
  • I will start sponsoring in February
  • I feel kind of pink-cloudy because it's going really effortlessly
  • My husband came to the meeting where I got my 90 day chip, because he rocks
  • I work my program every day
  • I make alot of calls but not alot of people call me back
  • I don't write enough -- that would be a good thing to start doing more of
  • I commit my food Every.Single.Day. no matter what. Even if I have to call 4 times in a day (once for each meal)
  • I don't email my food or email my sponsor because she has no home computer. As a result, the "real time" phone and face to face contact is helping me more than the email contact did with previous sponsors
  • I completed a 90 in 90
  • I started going to AlAnon
  • I feel happier than I've ever felt in my life
  • I know what serenity is
  • I know what miracles are
  • I am working on giving it away, so that I can keep it


Before You Take That First Compulsive Bite said...

This was a lovely reminder that it all works when we work. Congratualtions on your 90 day chip!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting. I just back at OA, I have a good plan and I'm looking for a sponsor/local meetings. Hope you keep blogging.

I've started and it's at:

Half-Assed Heather said...

Fuck, I am so hungry! It's my first day of abstinence in a long time - almost a year. I've had my breakfast and lunch and I just want more food. I could take a nap, I guess. Or I could blog about it here:

Sober Observations said...

Is a great way to end a blog, but I hope you have some updates along the way...